Kern River Boaters

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Tell the Corps you want Whitewater Releases

Deadman's Curve on the Miracle Run

It's time for us — all of us — to petition the Corps.

As this document explains, the Corps' Isabella Dam project poses a serious threat to the summer 2021 boating season on the lower Kern. 

KRB has proposed whitewater releases in mitigation, but that proposal will wither on the vine unless it gets the support of lots of private boaters. 

KRB urges its members and people of like-mind to email the following two addresses:

and express (1) your concern about the threat the project poses to the 2021 lower Kern season and (2) your preference for whitewater releases to mitigate that threat. You can also mention, if you'd like, that you support Kern River Boaters' comments to the Corps. Whatever you write, let your voice be heard on this important public issue.